McAuley House School, set in the scenic suburb of Parktown West, Johannesburg, is a co-educational primary school for Grades R to 7.
Alongside academics, McAuley House offers various sports and cultural activities, including Robotics in the Foundation Phase and coding and CAD in the Senior Primary Phase. These programmes, along with strong Mathematics and Reading curricula, help students reach their full potential.
The Foundation Phase features dedicated classrooms and play areas for Grades R to 3, while maintaining connection with the broader school community. The emphasis is on developing reading, writing, and numeracy skills in a fun and engaging environment. Rooted in Christian values, McAuley House cultivates a supportive community guided by the Mercy Catholic Ethos, inspired by Catherine McAuley. The school’s spiritual life is enriched by weekly masses, daily prayers, and moments of reflection, offering spiritual nourishment to both students and staff.